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From 16 to 18 march 2023 come visit us at Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna, the international trade show that for 50 years has been a reference point for all beauty lovers.

 We constantly look for new ways to reach you, but some events can only be fully experienced during ocasions in presence such as trade shows. We’re thrilled to announce that it’s now time to rejoin all together!

 This year will be held the 54th edition of Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna in BolognaFiere from 16 to 18 march 2023 and our company Phitofarma Private Label Division couldn’t miss it!

Don’t waste the ocasion to get in touch with experts. Come visit us during the B2B beauty industry exhibition, that last year counted more than 220.000 presences!

 Until March 18th you’ll find us at Cosmopack, an area dedicated to the supply chain of cosmetic.

We’ll be at pavilion 20 stand D43.
